Values for the seekers and builders of a new, creative and beautiful world
1. Consciously connecting with others to increase our potential for good
Connection, bond, humanhood, family, friendship, tribe… We are social animals, alone we cannot survive. It is by the coming of together that we can thrive and have a greater chance to make a positive impact in this world.
Collaborate super-additively
Together we have far greater potential than individually. Know your strengths and weaknesses and know that each of us has value to add to the collective whole.
Keep listening to and sharing with others
Open dialogues with the intention to let information flow from diverse view points, skills and experiences, so that it enriches our collective and shared understanding.
Home people with communities
Communities give us the support and well being we need to allow us grow, learn and take the next steps.
2. Haphazardly disrupting paradigms in order to break through them
Knowledge, ideologies and theories are ever-evolving. What we thought we knew yesterday reveals to be incomplete or false in the face of new evidences tomorrow, so let’s keep searching for the truth without settling for any.
Know that we don’t know
Beware of the truth, avoid trends and buzzwords ; in a world where uncertainty prevail, ensure knowledge, tools and languages are used to expand and not constrain our horizons.
Enjoy the paradigm disruption
Don’t be scared to be slightly surprised! Our reality is dynamic and evolving ; constantly question the current state of affairs, ask why it is the way it is today and explore beyond the last frontier.
Welcome awe and wonder
Open your mind to mysteries, what is challenging and disrupting free us from our own bounded view of the world, help us overcome a mis-framing and give us insights into reality.
3. Gloriously provoking ideas in a safe and creative space
Provocation is how the creative spark is made. By shaking our rigid mind, like noise or a disturbance, the world suddenly opens up, the valve expands, everything in and out flows, new connections are made, and what is relevant is now realised.
Go to the edge and push outwards
Get the minds to explore other possibles, break through the boundaries to literally think outside the box, stretch it far and wide into unfamiliar, alien, and uncomfortable territories.
Do it for the love of wisdom not winning
Accompany the minds along with the explorations, empathy isn’t to agree but to understand someone else’s worldview, without any other end-goal than unlocking more clues.
Search for what is a good plausibility
Understanding is often beyond explanation, whatever is relevant, trustworthy, profound are what matters to us, we can reliably find something amazing, we cannot say what that is, yet.
4. Coincidentally experimenting to explore and create new possibles
An experiment is a way to navigate the complex, the unknown, the chaotic. We can’t know all the relevant operations we need to realise to escape the game, but we can explore, uncover what is interesting and new, and with luck we might get out.
Experiment with anything interesting
In this uncertain and unpredictable reality, serendipity is a friend that can be invoked by continuous experimentation. Consider everything as an experiment you can learn from.
Do it if it increases options, fluke and upside
Try things out, don’t bother with the apparatus, most can be discovered by simply observing what is happening as it is often by luck or call it “happy accident”, that discoveries are made.
Pay attention to creative opportunities
Explore both with an open mind and stay mindful, prepare the mind to spot opportunities. Don’t explore to gather the facts, but explore to understand by trying to solve something.
5. Absurdly playing with serious ideas for a purpose
Never ever be attached to an idea, neither it has a value per-say, it is just an idea that only asks to be kept alive. But you should seriously play with it, imagine different situations and context, transcend it all and see through the absurd illusions.
Internalise the sage
Improve your connectedness with yourself and other by seriously playing a role in your mind, entertain dialogues to internalise all their wisdom and improve your grasp on reality.
Max the creative ripples
Toy with ideas, big and small, break them, rebuild them, combine them, pass them to others. Don’t overthink them, follow where they are going to grow into what they have to become.
Allow yourself to play seriously
Free your inner-child, don’t be afraid to be laugh at, in fact be the one to make your ideas absurd, you are just seriously playing in service of putting a vision into something more real.
6. Intentionally lifting one-an-other through the moments we create
Life is a human adventure, and our short time on Earth feels fuller when we share up-lifting moments with people. Turn-up, listen, observe, participate, pay attention… we all are threads enmeshed into the creative fabric of the distributed cognition of life.
Establish equality and shared values to guide us
Consider others as equal, you need others to keep you balanced because in reality you are both the teacher and the learner, the master and the apprentice, the wise and the dumb.
Bring moments to life through our own rituals
We are of tribal nature, we engage in rituals and ceremonies to be more deliberate, more purposeful, more mindful, so like an artist you let the beauty emerge from the creative act.
Hold the deep time in every moment together
The world is frightening, we remember the child in each of us and yet fail to recognise it in others, but we can still find home by facing the horror hand-in-hands, bravely togethers!
7. Collectively transcending to strive for a more desirable future
We interpret reality and create mental models for our minds to be able to grasp some of it. but reality is more real, more complex and more beautiful than these models that forms our mindsets. Let the illusions go, profoundly, madly go, tune in and dance with what’s more real!
Help each other find the clues
See beyond the veil of reality with deep clarity. Examine your life and the world around you, look for what is salient, search for the clues, and support others through this process.
Take risks together to stay free
Try, fail, learn from it, try again, and again. Throw yourself into the unknown, step-in and confront the darkness, do it with playfulness, for love and to support others, free from fear.
Keep ourselves aligned to the collective vision
Don’t be attached to any paradigms, transcend them! Keep pointing at anomalies and failure in the old paradigms, be visible, speak and act loud and with assurance from our call.