The importance of creativity to thrive

Published Categorized as Insights

Yesterday we talked about the continuing trend of automation and machine learning, and what implications this has on people in the future: i.e. how more roles will ultimately be replaced. 

Of course, new roles will emerge, and it was our feeling that these roles will increasingly require creativity and innovation: after all, where are the next innovations going to come from? This will surely become the source of value for many companies.

It also became clear that whilst many companies are currently willing to invest finance and resources to becoming, let’s say, more agile, what about becoming more creative? How is that practically achieved? Moreover, how is creativity increased without it being forced and contrived? 

It’s a huge topic, but there was one interesting notion that Matt brought into the conversation about ‘relaxing the boundaries’ (no doubt explored in a different post) and also the importance of support required during this stage. It’s important when relaxing the boundaries that the support is there!

This incidentally aligns back with the two of the core principles that we are exploring as a community: to challenge and to support.